Car accidents are an increasingly common source of injuries and loss of property and life. Every year, there are estimated to be over six million car accidents, in the US alone. We drive everywhere, and even short distances pose a hazard to drivers, as well as pedestrians and people on bicycles. The loss of property in these accidents can be considerable. Here are some of the most common car accident causes, and what you might be able to do to avoid them.
Approximately twenty-nine percent of all car accidents are the result of rear-end collisions, including two-car and “pile-ups,” where multiple cars are involved. This type of accident means that you have hit another car behind, or they have done so to you, or, if you’re in the middle of a pile-up, both happen to you – often due to no fault of your own. The easiest way to avoid a rear-end collision is:
Intersections can be a source of confusion, especially if street lights are out or if not everyone is following the rules, in the case of multiple stop signs – especially a four-way stop. These accidents can include t-boning (where one car head-on hits another car’s side) or rear-end collisions, as well as pile-ups. To avoid an intersection crash:
Most automobiles have some kind of blind spot, so it stands to reason that they are a common cause of many car accidents each year. They are almost entirely avoidable, as well, despite the commonality of the blind spot itself. If you can’t see out of part of your automobile, you have to drive accordingly. Preventing blind-spot related accidents starts with:
The smartest way to avoid being the cause of a car accident is to drive defensively. Keep an eye out for everyone and everything else, and follow traffic laws. If you’re unfortunate enough to be involved in a car accident, contact RS Law Offices to consult on your case and get you the best possible results.
How Dangerous Are Motorcycle Accidents?
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Involved In A Car Accident? Here’s Why You Should Engage a Car Accident Lawyer
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Five Products for Truck Driver Safety
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Personal Injury Claims: When Do you Need a Lawyer?
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Ridesharing Services May Help Lower Drunk Driving Accidents
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