An airbag is an automobile device designed to inflate rapidly during an automobile collision. The airbag prevents a person from hitting their face on the dashboard or steering wheel. They’re customarily hidden but inflate instantly when a crash begins.
When Are Airbags Supposed to Deploy?
As soon as the Airbags work by inflating vehicle starts to slow down. They must deploy very quickly, generally within the first ten milliseconds of a side crash. That means they have to deploy quicker than a car can crash.
All airbags have a sensor that tells the bag to inflate. Sensors respond to several different sets of stimuli, including sudden stopping and increased pressure. The sensor works by sending an electric signal to the canister that contains a small amount of an igniter compound. The canister is linked to a small explosive device that releases nitrogen gas. The gas acts as an impact-absorbing cushion rather than a springy surface off.
Is an Airbag Manufacturer Liable if an Airbag Fails to Deploy?
Failure of an airbag to deploy in a crash may be due to a manufacturer defect. Consequently, a liable airbag manufacturing company may owe crash victim compensation. If the victim suffered much more severe injuries, the airbag manufacturer should be responsible as well. The victim may also file a lawsuit against the carmaker or any other connected parties.
Many manufacturer defects can lead to such a scenario. First, the airbag’s electrical system may be installed improperly or consists of faulty parts. In other cases, the sensors were not installed properly, or they were not calibrated correctly. Furthermore, airbags may not be designed for average-sized adults. Another defect is if the propellant in these airbags became unstable and started to deteriorate.
In California, manufacturers of defective airbags can be held strictly liable. This can happen if the airbag failed to deploy or deployed at the wrong time. Either way, you have to prove that the airbag failed to deploy due to a manufacturer defect.
Airbags and Product Liability Laws
Consequently, several potential liability causes of action against auto manufacturers will be evaluated. For instance, your car accident claim may assert that something went wrong in implementing the design or that the product was dangerous and that it caused your injury.
Product liability laws state that products must come with warnings to alert users to the risks. However, the airbags would have to fail before you can claim compensation for the injuries suffered. That means the court will have to investigate whether non-deployment was the proximate cause of injuries and death.
Get Compensated
If you believe your injuries or the death of a loved one may be linked to airbag failure, contact us immediately. Our car accident lawyers will examine every element of your case and represent you as the victim of a car accident.
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