Motorcycles as a mode of transportation are inherently more
dangerous than others. Because of this, motorcycle drivers have an extra onus on them to be the safest drivers possible. Many motorcycle accidents are caused due to careless motorcycle driving, and while you may think you’re one of the safe ones, anyone can be caught off guard. Here are some tips for safe motorcycle driving.
Every state’s laws are different, but to be a safe driver you should be sure to not only protect yourself with a helmet and protective riding gear, but to properly outfit your bike with the necessary equipment to keep yourself and those around you safe at all times. These include:
You should make sure that your motorcycle is regularly maintained to keep it safe to ride, and make sure to continually check it. Check the brakes by practicing hard braking techniques on the regular – use the front and back brakes together. Stay aware of your surroundings while also keeping your eyes upfront to keep an eye out for obstacles. Driving the speed limit and not tailgating are critical. These are too often the cause of fatal motorcycle accidents.
Always make sure your bike is in riding condition. Make sure your tires don’t have any bulges, cracks or other signs of wear in their treads. Make sure the bike isn’t leaking any fluids, especially oil or gas. Make sure that all of your lights and signals are working properly to avoid any confusion while you are out on the road. Clean your mirrors and make sure all fluids are regularly checked and filled up. Make sure to have a first aid kit, charged cell phone and full toolkit with you just in case.
Part of the joy of motorcycle riding is spending time with your fellow bikers out on the road. The more bikers there are, the more potential there is for an accident. You should always make sure you have a full tank of gas before a trip to make sure you don’t get stranded. It is highly recommended to meet up before your trip with the other riders to make sure everyone is on the same page. You should also:
If you find yourself in a motorcycle accident, be sure to call the police and get insurance information, and be seen if you are injured. Keep all of your paperwork and contact RS
Law Office so that we can keep you protected and get what you deserve after the accident.
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