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Top 5 Causes of Pedestrian Accidents


A vehicle hitting a pedestrian can be termed one of the most traumatic accidents one could ever experience. Yet, it happens so regularly. According to the CDC, over 5,000 pedestrians die in car accidents annually, while an estimated 137,000 others visit the ER for non-fatal accidents. This makes one wonder, what spurs pedestrian accidents? Read on to find out. 

Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

A pedestrian is anyone walking along the road in a developed or undeveloped area. Pedestrian accidents commonly occur due to; 

  • Negligent Motorists 

Motorists have a duty of care for other road users. They are required to exercise reasonable care at all times, and failure to do so is termed as negligence. Unfortunately, most pedestrian accidents happen due to the motorist’s negligence. Most motorists observe their duty of care, but others fail to do so because of; 

  • Over-speeding
  • Driving under the influence
  • Disobeying traffic signs
  • Distracted driving due to cell phones, eating, applying makeup, and a host of other activities they shouldn’t do while on the wheel
  • Driver confusion
  • Disregarding weather and traffic conditions 

Pedestrians Failing to Observe Duty of Care

Just like motorists, pedestrians are also legally required to practice reasonable care for their safety. They must also observe road regulations to avoid danger. Accidents stemming from pedestrian negligence often occur when; 

  • The pedestrian is jaywalking, i.e., is crossing a street where there’s no crosswalk or outside a marked crosswalk 
  • The pedestrian is drunk and trying to cross the road without assistance
  • The pedestrian darts in front of oncoming traffic and disrupts the flow 
  • The pedestrian is unaware of road user laws and safety 

Bad Weather

Besides driver and pedestrian negligence, another common cause of pedestrian accidents is bad weather. A slippery road on a rainy day may make it difficult for a vehicle to stop on time resulting in an accident. Similarly, a slippery road may cause a pedestrian to slip and fall into the path of an oncoming car. 

Road Construction

Road construction projects don’t just cause traffic jams and slow motorists down; they also present a road hazard for pedestrians. How? Well, a road construction happening right in the middle or next to a crosswalk may leave a pedestrian no option but to jaywalk in an area of the road where motorists least expect. 

Left-Hand Driver Turns 

When turning left, most drivers usually focus on how to take on the busy intersection ahead instead of what’s happening on the left. This puts pedestrians at high risk of being hit by a car turning left. 

What to Do When Involved in a Pedestrian Accident

A pedestrian accident can be super traumatizing. If involved in one, you should do the following; 

  • Notify the police immediately
  • Gather the contact information of any witnesses present
  • Wait for help

Let the Professionals Help

Also, avoid making any statements to anyone on the scene except the police. While at it, be sure to contact an experienced pedestrian accident attorney. Remember, pedestrian accidents are subject to the statute of limitations. Therefore, you need to contact a pedestrian accident attorney as soon as possible. If you or someone you love was involved in a pedestrian accident, give us a call or hit the online chat button to schedule an obligation free consultation today. 


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