In Arizona and California, two big car cultures on the grow, you’re statistically more likely to be involved in some sort of motor vehicle accident or have some other legal concerns surrounding your automobile. Other injuries, like dog bites and slip and falls, are all-too common, and can be difficult to navigate with some kind of help. At RS Law Offices, we specialize in representing the kinds of people who deserve compensation for their losses at the hands of others.
The more cars and trucks there are on the road, the more accidents are likely to happen. These accidents can be distracting and confusing, which is why you need an attorney to navigate the ins and outs of compensation for your losses.
Motorcycles are statistically very dangerous to ride, but that doesn’t exclude you from deserving representation if you’re involved in a motorcycle accident. Practicing safety is paramount, but there is a higher likelihood you’ll be involved in a motorcycle accident anyway.
Whether there’s a motor vehicle involved or not, pedestrian
accidents are incredibly common. Motor vehicles can complicate things, but pedestrians tend to have the right of way. You should always “walk defensively,” but be aware that you may be eligible for compensation if you are involved in an accident as a pedestrian.
Ride shares and new and fun, but they are also statistically more dangerous than driving your own car. Insurance issues are also murky, at best, so dealing with the aftermath of a ride sharing accident on your own can feel impossible.
One of the most common ways people can be hurt is by a slip and fall injury. One of the most commonly overlooked options in the case of such an injury is compensation. Much of the time, these falls are due to poorly maintained floors and other walking surfaces, none of which are your responsibility, as someone simply trying to get from point A to point B.
If your neighborhood as dogs, there’s always a chance that one will get a little too excited or disturbed and bite you. The primary injury can be incredibly painful, and comes with a big risk of infection. All of the doctors visits can end up costing an arm and a leg, so you should seek compensation if you’ve been bitten by a dog.
People get injured at work, but many employers will try to avoid workers compensation claims for the sake of insurance rates. You deserve the right to be represented if you are not presented with all the proper options after a work injury.
laws are designed to protect you from being taken advantage of by being sold a bad car. If you’ve followed the rules but still have a dud, we can help.
Hiring an attorney is your best at navigating any of these situations. We have the experience and knowledge to make the process as easy for you as possible.
Winter Driving Safety Tips
Having your winter tires installed on your car and packing a windshield scraper is a good start to being prepared to drive in the winter, but as the cold weather gets harsher, the driving conditions get worse. With this comes the tendency for some people to overcorrect or not know how to stop properly, or […]
Five Things to Know About Bike Accidents in Arizona
Bicycling may be the way to go for sustainable transportation, but that’s all the more reason why anyone in Arizona should make sure to practice basic bicycle safety. Over 47 million people in the United States ride bicycles, and that number will likely increase as some urban centers move away from fossil fuels and even […]
Four Medical Alert and Slip and Fall Apps
Slip and fall accidents are unfortunately rather common in the US. The part that many people often miss when discussing slip and fall accidents, though, is that it is not just the elderly who suffer from them. Anyone of any age can have an accident, and people of all walks of life may have chronic […]
Pedestrian Safety in Cold Weather
When it’s cold outside, people drive worse than they did before. If you’re a pedestrian, you need to take extra precautions during the cold weather and, if you’re driving, you need to keep an extra eye out for pedestrians who are even harder to see, especially if snow is lowering your visibility. Safety is always […]
Tips for Avoiding Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycles as a mode of transportation are inherently moredangerous than others. Because of this, motorcycle drivers have an extra onus on them to be the safest drivers possible. Many motorcycle accidents are caused due to careless motorcycle driving, and while you may think you’re one of the safe ones, anyone can be caught off guard. […]
Five Apps Every Trucker Should Have
Driving a tractor trailer or any other large vehicle isn’t just about long hours, lots of miles and making sure you’re still driving safely after those lengthy days. It’s a lifestyle, and like any other connected lifestyle in the 21st century, there are plenty of apps to go around designed to help make a truck […]
Five Safety Products for Motorcycle Riders
Approximately ten percent of motor vehicle deaths in the United States can be attributed to motorcycleaccidents. Safe riding and defensive driving are important to all motor vehicle operations, of course, but making sure you’re stocked up on the right equipment to make your ride as safe as possible is critical to avoiding accidents or, in […]
Slip and Fall Injuries in Arizona and California
In desert climates especially, some property managers have a tendency to not count on inclement weather when it comes to the upkeep of their properties. This means that, over time, things like rain and seismic shifts can slowly wear away at all kinds of surfaces, making them unsafe to walk on. While property managers may […]
Five Apps for Bicyclists
Bicycle accidents happen all the time in the United States, and practicing bicycle safety is relatively simple – it just involves a lot of mindful riding and the safest possible equipment. Another part of safe bicycle riding is making sure you have your routes planned out and, in the case of an emergency, it doesn’t […]
More Apps for Increased Rideshare Safety
If every ride you take is just you and an unknown driver, it doesn’t hurt to look into your safety options. And while any unsure situation could potentially turn dangerous, you can do yourself a favor by finding helpful methods for letting people know where you are and where you’re going to be, and generally […]
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